Are there any forecasters in the corporate media who discuss systemic election fraud and include a True Vote analysis in their models? Why are there more deaths reported associated with the COVID vaccines in VAERS than for all vaccines combined in the 32 year history of the VAERS system? And why is the CDC not warning people about the risk of death? Why is Sudden Adult Death Syndrome only affecting people who have been vaccinated with the COVID vaccines? Shouldn’t the FDA and CDC call for a protective order to prevent retribution by state medical boards against physicians who are reporting adverse events and death following vaccination on social media? Scammers impersonating PayPal are sending recipients a ‘receipt’ for a high-value order in an attempt to get them to call a dodgy phone number. I sincerely believe that the massive inflow of illegal drugs into the United States is a deliberate attempt to hide the truth about what the Federal Reserve Banks have done! How will the FDA resolve the discrepancy and assure the public they found the truth? Why is the public not permitted to see the assessments made of the 13,225 US deaths reported in the VAERS system that were determined to be not linked to the COVID vaccines?
And why is this only happening after the vaccines rolled out? Why are these blood clots only happening in vaccinated people if the vaccines are safe and effective? Why are there more deaths in the trial report than the document Pfizer submitted to the FDA? The documents released by Pfizer show a large number of discrepancies that are impossible to explain if the trial was executed as stated. The trial was large enough to detect a signal this large, so how could it have gone undetected? If the trial data is correct, how did this happen? ” In addition, a 2014 Visa investigation required First Data to pay back $18.7 million in charges processed by Ko and temporarily banned First Data from bringing on high-risk merchants. Upon calling, the beneficiary is asked to pay a “processing fee” (using bank account information, gift cards, bitcoin) to receive the grant money. An online “love interest” wants you to send money or cryptocurrency to help you invest. Being attentive to your account can keep you from the pains of overdrawing and its associated fees, and help alert you to any fraud. These audits help in understanding the effectiveness of current fraud prevention measures and in identifying areas that require enhancement or modification. This webinar will discuss several key areas to investigate, how to uncover fraud, and put a plan in place to prevent it going forward. If someone approaches you and tries to put something on your body, refuse firmly and give anything they did put on you back to them immediately. The FDA and CDC refuse to acknowledge what the VAERS URF is for these vaccines and they stonewall newspaper reporters who ask about it. Therefore, the VAERS data and this report simply cannot both be true.
Anecdotal data from physicians. There is simply too much anecdotal data from formerly pro-vax physicians who report patients who are previously healthy become “unhealthy” (new disease, existing disease reoccurs, or cognitive decline, or menstrual issues) shortly after being vaccinated. My sister and I went to Cabo in February 2013, and I was naive to the whole timeshare scam situation down there. How to Detect Scam Timeshare Companies1. Learn more online. New timeshare scams seem to pop up all the time. By the time SOCA had transitioned into the NCA, Lewis had landed a job in HSBC Group HQ’s Financial Crime Compliance unit as ‘global head of law enforcement liaison.’ His job, in other words, is liaising with his former police colleagues. Around 40 percent of the people who responded to the survey said they had stopped volunteering because the charity with which they worked made poor use of their time. Another, additional rudimentary methodology is to rent plenty of individuals during a poor country to click the links on your website. The symbolic event was as a gesture from Hwang’s supporters that says they intend to donate their eggs with 1,000 of their members after they took egg-donation pledges online via their website. Pfizer says the deaths were unrelated, but we are never told how they determined this. 12312982 the Key to Proving Pfizer Vaccine Trial Fraud? This has been gen erated with the help of G SA Content Generator DEMO.
Adverse events in Pfizer trial may have been underreported by 8X or more. BMJ article documenting irregularities in the Pfizer trial. His 99.4% win probability is based on 497 electoral vote wins out of 500 trial simulations. Obama’s 332 snapshot EV assumes he will win all the battleground states except for NC. The True Vote Model indicates Obama would have approximately 371 EV, a 55% vote share and win by 74-59 million votes in a fraud-free election. The pundits ignore election fraud completely by limiting their projections to the recorded vote. The races are very close in CO (9), FL (29), NC (15), NH (4), NV (6), OH (18) WI (10), VA (13) and that is why the expected EV is just 320.7. But keep in mind that the projections are based on LV polls which a) always understate Democratic turnout and b) are at least partially based on previous election bogus recorded votes. Learning to work effectively with and keep these groups happy, as well as competing with other CRAs, helped form the agencies we know today. Enable real-time antivirus such as Windows Defender or a third-party tool, and always keep your programs and operating system up to date.