Finding The Best Fraud

“The precinct level estimates for Georgia and Pennsylvania indicate that vote fraud may account for Biden’s win in both states,” Lott concludes. Comments may take up to an hour to…

The Mafia Guide To Fraud

Players will ask to copy and paste a certain message on several items to win something, of course doing so grants nothing, and this is a popular soft scam. This…

Intense Fraud – Blessing Or A Curse

The following resources provide information on fraud. This program was meant to scare the target into thinking they were infected with something really dangerous and to allow the scammer to…

No More Mistakes With Scam

Another way to spot a scam in the vein of the Nigerian prince fraud is to look for any requests for upfront payment that will result in a greater return.…

How To Use Scam To Desire

In an initial wave of scam posts, @bitcoin, @ripple, @coindesk, @coinbase and @binance were hacked with the same message: “We have partnered with CryptoForHealth and are giving back 5000 BTC…